Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Torrential Down Pour - Poem by Mountain Poet

by Mountain Poet

The close of night 
over freshly fallen snow. 
The heavens have released 
the moisture and the wind, 
upon a thirsty earth. 
The trees drink up their need. 
A community lays quiet 
under the change 
of seasons, and waits 
to be delivered, 
by the Sun and their desire 
to be made whole. 
The fragments break apart 
like glacial packs of ice. 
They come off the mountain 
hard and cold. 
At the bottom lies the lake 
that will fill up, and rise. 
Or dry up into dust 
and brittle bones. 
The shadows move and draw 
to those that have 
a hunger for the dark. 
A negative need impossible 
to fulfill and put to death. 
It is restless and insatiable 
for that which is less and weak. 
Through the clouds 
a Ray of Light, 
beams down a purpose 
and a right. 

We are left at the crossroads 
of good versus evil, and which path 
we take leaves behind the prints 
of our deepest need. 
The direction we choose 
makes the difference, 
in how we finish our quest. 
Face up looking into the stars, 
or down into quick sand and mud. 
Our fears are easily realized, 
if we give them the license and freedom 
to feed on our hearts and mind. 
The mystics teach a process 
to turn darkness into light. 
The alchemical transmutation 
of solitude and stone. 
Walk with that which is greater 
than the human refusal to stand, 
against disparity and depression. 
Take no more than you need, 
and give the best that you have 
every step of the way. 
Our reward may not come 
until some distant point. 
The concern of the soul 
is to manifest a destiny 
that is rite. Complete 
the process in the blazing 
sphere of Heaven’s Light. 
We are mortal and not given 
to know how to 
put this confusion to rest. 
We strive and yet we feel 
the strangling vine, 
of weeds and barren land. 
Our Castles fall on 
shifting sand. 
We go home and wonder 
what went wrong. 
when we lay down, 
our slumber wearies us 
even more as the dream unfolds. 
How will we find the time? 
The dream fades easily 
under the harsh reality, 
of each day’s duties and schemes. 
Take my hand and I 
will lead you where 
you have not been. 
I am guided by your voice, 
and that look in your eye. 
You are full of sadness 
and hope. We cannot see 
ourselves as well as others 
see us. Because we have grown 
to use to our bodies, 
and who we have been. 
If we speak encouragement 
and not what feeds the 
anger and the hate, 
then we may at the last 
turn be heard. 
Because the angels listen 
for a certain sound, 
both clear and true. 
The ancient text spells out 
one word – Peace. 
Participate, and you will 
reach not just that 
which you need. 
A miracle much greater 
than you expected 
to be given, or believed. 
It is through the language 
of the heart that we hear, 
what we need to set us free. 
Together, one by one 
the texture changes. 
The puzzle gets put together 
in colours that belong, 
because they fit 
and fill the void. 
The picture is beautiful, 
as the pieces that make 
each vision real. 
Listen please, to the rain 
and its need to wash us 
clean and unafraid. 
The sun waits, 
behind the clouds. 
Soft and silver-lined, 
you may rise 
to touch them. 
Look within and you will find 
what it is you seek. 
After the storm, 
the rainbow breaks. 
I send you this, 
wishing you some small comfort 
and love. 


- Mountain Poet

EPA - Environmental Poetic Advisement Journal 1991

Photo: Rain Room, Photographer Unknown

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