Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Phoenix Rising - Mountain Poet's September 11th Aftermath

September 11th Aftermath

In one moment of such monumental terror, 
time stands still and silent, 
buried beneath the smoke and ash. 
We wrestle with the darkness and the fear 
that such blatant evil brings to mind, 
as the images roll across our TV screens. 

Our nation's vulnerability has been stretched 
beyond reason but not repair. 
The symbolisms of our freedom 
and our basic sense of safety 
were torn right out from under 
where the sun shone 
brightly on this quiet 
September day. 
Leaving behind shadows and burdens 
that will haunt us for many ages to come. 
Tomorrow will bring it's own misery and mourning, 
as surely as the sun will rise again. 

I don't know the people who died today, 
but I can share this sorrow and the loss 
from those gone suddenly and recently from my life. 
The grief I feel is almost palatable in the air, 
as a solitary fighter jet circles the mountain named in song 
because America is beautiful. 

Death is the great leveler, the heavy cross, 
the reminder that each day counts. 
But from the smoke and ash we do rise up 
to meet what comes. A fiery promise 
born on the wings of this earthly matter. 

Even these silent tears are good for one thing. 
They remind us that we are still human, and 
that we can love like a Phoenix rising. 


- Mountain Poet
September 11, 2001 - 3:00 PM MST 

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